performances, installations, readings (selection) 
1972 – 76 public concerts as musician (percussion), „kunstzone münchen“, rockfestival kaufbeuren and others
1977 various video works, theatre festival, galerie klaus Lea, munich and others, with ulli bauereis
1979 video performance „mediale vergewaltigung“, performance festival at the staedtische galerie im lenbachhaus, munich, with ulli bauereis
1981 video performance „zweifel“, dany keller gallery, munich, with ulli bauereis
1982 video installation „u“, municipal gallery lothringerstraße, munich, with ulli bauereis
1982 presentation of the video clip „frau fallermeier“ munich, with ulli bauereis
1985 performace „implosion“, gallery helmut leger, munich
1987 performance „maiandacht“, iheater prot, munich
1989 performance „foreign property“, theater prot, munich
1992 video installation „bed“, alte kupferwerkstatt, munich
1993 video installation „atm“, foyer minolta office technology, munich
video installation „heimat im eimer“, munich in collaboration with the painter carla chlebarov, galerie popp, munich
1998 presentation „lotarija“, documentary film, days of independent film, osnabrück
publication of the text „rabe perplexum“ at the Rathausgalerie, munich on the occasion of the memorial exhibition for the artist, who died in 1996,
1999 reading and screening „text and videos by rabe perplexum“ at vak, ateliergemeinschaft domagkstrasse, munich
2000 reading „fips reads fischer“ own texts and poems, neues theater, munich
„groschenroman“ reading object, contribution to the installation „before silence“ by the artist sigrid sigurdsson, karl- ernst – osthaus museum, hagen (permanent loan)
2004 „secret“ room installation in the context of the event „digital-analog“ in the kunstarkaden in the munich city hall
2005 reading of own texts, „die bank“, munich
2010 video installation „geldautomat II“ – cultural days munich trudering – riem, Infocontainer edinburghplatz
2011 presentation of the video „ei“ in the cafe „gap“ and in the maxforum, munich
2012 video installation „tract“ – another „shaft installation“, studio „arteminent“, munich
2012 – 14 film documentary „decrustations“ about the work of Berlin artist anneli ketterer, berlin
2015 gallery artoxin shows videoart, installation „garage with peepholes“ and video „verschaukelt“, atm
2018 – 19 postproduction of the dokumentarie „günther klatt, musiker-maler“
by heinz speckmeyer
2019 – 20 arch musik saloon #99 „AusDerReihe“
objekts from fips fischer + music by udo schindler & masako ohta
2020 videoproject „streetview“, for the exhibition „clips“ in the „kopfbau“, munich riem
cooperation in film and art projects (selection)
„fellini and cinecitta“, documentary, (kick film/wdr) rom/munich 1983 (camera)
„all hell is breaking loose in heaven“, feature film (emotion pictures), munich 1984
music – video clips (extra wide, embryo, etc.)
industrial reports (philips, x-ray miller, etc.)
commercials: danone and others /emotion pictures, munich (supervisor, camera)
theatre work
prot, munich, new theatre, munich, theatre festival, munich and many more
art projects
loft munich, wolfgang flaz, and many more
bronze lion, cannes for camera, sound, editing (anti-aids spot, emotion pictures, munich) 1988